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9 Tips For Photographing Your Beauty Products For Your Shopify Store

Daniel Doyle Pleasantville NY

Visual representation is an important quality for sellers using online stores such as Shopify to sell their products. Colorful, vivid, quality photos build trust and repertoire with customers, ultimately leading to more sales and more loyal customers. Professional photos may be too expensive for the usual Shopify store, but all hope is not lost. Learning the art of shop photography is key to building a successful Shopify store. Take advantage of the following photography tips from professional photographer Daniel Doyle Pleasantville NY.

1- Camera & Tripod

Investing in an expensive camera isn’t necessary, though using the camera on your iPhone is probably not a good idea. Many inexpensive cameras and tripod options exist. Take the time to research and finding a quality step is fairly simple. The better your camera, the crisper, more vivid the shot. Of course, tripods allow you to take elaborate shots when need be, even groups of items or larger products that may not fit well into a traditional camera lens.

2- White Bounce Cards

Placing your display table close to a light source is important for the best shots but that creates another problem. Light from doors and windows creates shine in a photo. The only easy solution to the glare is blocking out the light. White bounce cards offer an easy solution to light coming through open sources. Found at craft stores or just a few bucks, the cards are made from a soft foam material that fits into almost any space but doesn’t cause any type of damage or unnecessary adjustments for proper light blockage.

3- White Background

For shop owners who frequently photograph new products, investing in a white background is a smart decision. Many options for white backgrounds provide an easy solution for photoshoots, including sweeps. White backgrounds highlight the product and keep the customer focused on the subject at hand. They also offer a clear, precise shot of the item.

4- Quality Table

A 24” – 27” table displays the products ready for photographing. Add a white drop cloth to the table to further eliminate the background and keep the focus on the items that you are photographing. Any simple, stable table is suitable for photographing your Shopify items.

5- Turn Off the Lights

A big mistake that some Shopify owners make when taking photographs of their store items is leaving lights in other rooms of the office or home. This is a common mistake that creates unnecessary glare and colors in every photo that you take. Shut off the lights and take that photo instead. You’ll notice a dramatic difference in the color and quality of the shot.

6- Adjust Your Camera

Every camera is different so it may take time to determine the best adjustments on your specific product. Trial and error work wonderfully, however. Setting the camera’s white balance to auto is recommended and the flash setting should be turned off before taking any photos. Choose the highest quality setting possible on the camera.

7- It’s A Zoom Thing

Many people want to zoom in on the product as closely as possible but doing this only causes the photo to pixelate. Never use digital zoom settings. Instead, zoom in as close as possible without transitioning. You’ll quickly notice a more high-intensity photograph without using the digital zoom feature.

8- Product Setup

Although we’ve discussed the importance of a properly sized table, we’ve yet to discuss the placement of products on the table. Placement is just as important as anything else when taking a photo. Daniel Doyle Pleasantville NY recommends placing items in the middle of the table before photographing them. A center of the table placement is another tip that ensures the customer focuses on the product rather than the things surrounding this item.

9- Evaluate the Photos

Always evaluate photos after you take them rather than assume they’re acceptable for your shop. Even when it takes a couple of tries to get a great shot, it is worth the time and effort as it only enhances the excitement of your product, thus drawing in more attention from your customers. It takes a couple of seconds to evaluate the photos and never hurts to have a second or third shot on hand for emergencies and those ‘just in case’ scenarios. Be sure to take this time and ensure great photos